Sunday, November 16, 2008

Gyaarrr! I've been tagged! Gyah!

Gyarrrr, avast! I've been tagged mates! 'Tis the end o' me, I fear!

What this means, as far as I can gather, is that I must tell 7 little known things about meself, then tag and link 7 others. Gyaharrr, pity me! I know no otherrrs yet save the Seven Seas! So herrre be 7 thing little known about me!

1. I unabashadly love dwarves and giants. Aye, and if it weren't fer me height, I'd be one or the other, I'm sure.

2. I own more copies of Beowulf than I have had girlfriends (yeesh! Maybe I shouldn't share that one, yarrr!?)

3. Oi enjoy talkin' loik a poirrrate, gyaharrr!

4. I am an Agnostic Odinist.

5. I enjoy candle-lit dinners, long walks on the beach and sunsets... wait, wrong list!

6. I have a deep love of the Romantic poets (Tennyson, if only ye wert alive. Alas...)

7. I feed my cats grilled cheese. Only one really likes it.

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